Leander Investment Club
Welcome to the Investment Club
Leander Investment Club now meets at the Club every six weeks for a convivial and semi-serious look at the state of the World, and its stock markets, while at the same time reviewing its portfolio of shares. Each Member has skin in the game albeit not enough (at the moment) to lose sleep over. The primary object of LIC whether you are a serious investor or beginner is to learn from each other and hopefully prosper both in financial terms but equally importantly from good company and conversation.
The more serious stuff takes about 90 minutes and is followed by supper at the Club; another object of LIC….to enjoy the Club’s excellent facilities and menu.
All are welcome and there is no requirement for any financial expertise; common sense and an inquisitive mind are equally prized along with a sense of humour. If you are interested in joining please contact Dick Lester: 07753 636522 or at richardlester@webspeed.net
If you have any further queries regarding this club, please email us events@leander.co.uk

Investor of the Year
Club President Dick Lester (left) awards the coveted Investor of the Year trophy to Rafal Opalinski (right) at the December 2024 meeting.