24 October 2023

HOCR 2023

Leander’s Oliver Costley and Rory Harris came away with a win in the Championship Doubles at HOCR in Boston, Mass, this weekend. Other success in this event came from Leander’s Bryn Ellery, achieving 3rd place representing his old school Windsor Boys. 

Leander’s Women’s and Men’s Championships 8s both came home in 4th position and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 

It was fantastic to see so many of our US-based Leander athletes racing for their universities.

The trip to Boston was made possible thanks to the Colgan Foundation and their gratefully received support of the rowing programme.

Chief Men’s Coach Matt Beechey said: “It was fantastic to see Rory and Olly take the win in the Championship doubles despite a challenging row where they passed several crews on a demanding course to steer. The coaching team have been exploring ways of giving our crew boat sculling more competitive opportunities and the HOCR was perfectly placed early season for this. I’d like to thank Leander Club members, committee and the Colgan Foundation who have made this trip possible.”

Rory Harris said: “Olly and I were delighted to win in the Men’s Championship Doubles. Challenging conditions made it a tricky test on the famous HOCR course but it was great to come away with the win. A big thanks must go to Leander and the Colgan Foundation for the support and the opportunity for us to come over to Boston.”

The crews that travelled to HOCR 2023 were:-

Men’s CH 2x 

Olly Costley

Rory Harris

Women’s CH 8+ 

Abi Topp

Amelia Standing

Daisy Bellamy

Eleanor Brinkhoff

Juliette Perry

Philippa Emery

Muryn Greene

Pheobe Snowden

Henry Fieldman (cox)

Men’s CH 8+ 

Dan Graham

Matt Rowe

Sam Banister

Douwe De Graaf

Miles Beeson

Tom Ballinger

Calvin Tarczy

Sonya Gladstone (cox)

Women’s spares

Franny Hunt Davis

Abbie Bird

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