27 February 2023

Leander vs OUWBC

On Sunday 26th February, the Leander women headed to London for the much anticipated fixture against the Oxford Women on the Championship Course.  Whilst no rain on the day, a stiff North Easterly breeze meant that Hammersmith Head was cancelled in the morning but the fixture could still go ahead. 

Leander A vs OUWBC Blue boat 

Leander fielded two 8s for the day’s racing.  Up first at 1605 was the Leander A crew, racing on the Surrey station, against the Blue Boat, on Middlesex, racing over two half courses.  Coxed by Henry Fieldman, the Leander crew showed no sign of hanging around at the Attention, Go.  The power of the Leander women took them out to ¾ length lead by the black bouy.  As the strong head wind hit into the Fulham bend and the advantage to Oxford, Leander held their margin before taking control and moving clear towards the mile post.   

Oxford fought to stay in contention but the power of the Leander 8, stroked by Abi Topp, stretched out the lead towards Hammersmith Bridge and on to the Championship Course half way point.  Leander won race 1 by 3.5 lengths. 

Both crews kept their same stations for race 2 as they started from the half way point.  The Leander women started 1 length down on Oxford but soon had their bows in front by Chiswick steps.  With the last of the Surrey bend in Leander’s favour they moved out to ½ length margin on OUWBC.  Umpire Mathew Pinsent had a busy afternoon trying to separate both crews as both coxes fought for the fastest line.  Through Barnes bridge there was a clash of blades which saw the Oxford crew catch a crab.  To ensure that there was some valuable racing throughout the whole day both crews stopped and returned to Barnes bridge to complete the course. 

With Leander on the outside of the bend and Oxford with the inside advantage both crews started level.  Again the Leander women moved out to ½ length lead and maintained that to the finish line.  Leander not dropping below rate 40 for the last 3-minute race. 

Leander B vs Osiris 

The Leander development crew stroked by Isabel Diaz started off strong against Osiris and went on to control both of their races with winning margins of 5 lengths and 4 lengths respectively. 

We want to thank Oxford for the opportunity to race them and wish them the very best in their final preparations for the boat race. 


Leander ‘A’ Crew 
1. Susie Dear 
2. Issy Hawes 
3. Franny Hunt-Davis 
4. Juliette Perry 
5. Tash Morrice 
6. Daisy Bellamy 
7. Amelia Standing 
8. Abi Topp 
c. Henry Fieldman 
Leander ‘B’ Crew 
1. Tricia Smith 
2. Grace Dening-Smitherman 
3. Laura McKenzie 
4. Helen Kirkpatrick 
5. Megan Halpin 
6. Alice Ives 
7. Abbie Bird 
8. Isabel Diaz 
c. George Farthing 

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